Sunday, May 12, 2013

Monster BURGER my own size



This is more than just I want for a day. 
Or maybe everyday? LOL!



My own version of hamburger, I think I'm now really addicted in making my own food/recipe's. This is the part 2 of my epic meal time story.
Just when I saw ground beef in the freezer,  Then I thought I could make my own burger then there it was, my ultimate burger.







*Burger bun
Burger patty ingredients
Mixed the ground beef with ketchup, sugar, salt, pepper, bbq sauce, tomato sauce, kikkoman, chilli powder, white pepper, grated cheese. (just estimate how many you'll put)
Coleslaw ingredients 
Cabbage (sliced thinly), carrots (grated), mayonnaise, salt, white pepper, mustard.
Super Sized Me!
Eat em' UP!

Breakfast Pizza


My own version of Breakfast Pizza

First of all, I really love to eat... But I didn't write this blog because all I want to do is eat. This is because I want to share to you guys my cooking experiments. One time I saw this video on YouTube, the Epic Meal Time. I was totally amazed and inspired of what they are doing besides the big serving of food and super sized meals, I want to make my own version of meal, recipe, or whatever you call that food making super sized huge mouth watering meals.

This is my first one my own version of breakfast pizza. Woke up one morning and felt hungry, I want some egg, pita bread, bacon, cheese, chizwhiz, cottage cheese and tomatoes.. Then I realized I could make something unique using those ingredients. Then I come up with this one...